Research at VyatSU

International space law for students of VyatSU in the space centre of Kirov

  • 7 May 2022, 13:26
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1947

Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law Faculty of the Vyatka State University (VyatSU) Elena Gordeeva conducted sessions on international space law, the Space Center and Space Museum Aviation K.E.  Tsiolkovsky

 Lecture was opened with a quote from Konstantin Eduardovich: "Earth - the cradle of humanity, but one can not live in the cradle forever."  More than 100 years ago, scientists predicted that over time, "humanity will win all the space around the sun."  Today, those words become a reality, and space becomes more accessible to governments, businesses and people.

Human interaction with the cosmos regulate space law.  The VyatSU students in the discipline of public international law study of international space law.  According to Associate Professor Gordeeva said that this branch of law is actively developing.  Before the world community are very acute questions, asking to ensure the rational use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, for peaceful purposes.  The Outer Space Treaty in 1967 is still one of the international space law basic documents.  But the number of participants of the international space activities is constantly increasing and these changes entail the emergence of many new issues, including  legal.  Words of Associate Professor of VyatSU confirm the news: recently, "Roskosmos" has announced that it is necessary to develop a legally binding instrument to regulate space resource extraction for commercial purposes on the basis of general consensus.  And to create it will need experts.  Elena said that in Russia, today, space lawyers are rare if not unique, but the demand for such professionals will increase significantly in the next 10-20 years.

During the training session in the Space Center VyatSU students listened to a lecture, delivered reports and summarized the preliminary results of the study "Public international law" for the semester.  Most active work, the most informative and memorable, according to students, the report was marked by a symbolic gift from the Space Center.  The award was received by a 3rd year student Mob 3201-01-00 Oleg Vorozhtcov (for the presentation "The legal analysis of current international events").  At the end of training our students visited the Museum of the Space Center, where they discussed issues of international cooperation on the International Space Station (ISS) and the prospects for the creation of national space stations, have examined the collection of natural resources of individual celestial bodies and discussed the legal resources such mode, thinking about the problem of pollution of space with space debris and the consequent issues of international legal responsibility.  The culmination of the activities was a visit to a  digital dome planetarium where students VyatSU were shown a film about the modern scientific space research.

VyatSU is grateful to the Director Svetlana Shumaylova, the guide Zboev Artyom Vyacheslavovich, employees and Space center of Kirov as a whole for the unique opportunity to conduct a class on international space law at the Center for professional explanations during the tour and for the high level organization of the event!

 Catherine Shalygina, VyatSU 3rd course Mob 3201-01-00:

 I really liked the lecture, interesting tour, and very cool movie about space.  Thank you that we have picked up a program of activities and invited us!

 Ksenia Dresvyannikova, VyatSU 3rd course Mob  - 3201-01-00:

 The lecture at the Space Centre of Kirov took place in a very unusual atmosphere, which allowed students to deeply immerse themselves in a subject, to learn a lot about international cooperation in the field of space exploration.  Thank you Elena Mikhailovna for the opportunity to change the usual format for each student learning, and thanks to the space center for the hospitality!

 Otemba-Ngala Sharvel, VSU 3 course Mob 3201-01-00:

 International law Space Center - it is an unusual experience.  I really enjoyed the activity, adds variety to the educational process and lecture material is absorbed better.  I wish for more such lectures!


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